
OncoTrials - мониторинг клинических исследований

Новые исследования (2025-02-13):

NCT06821880 (Множественная миелома)
NCT06821880 (Хронический лимфолейкоз | Лимфома из малых лимфоцитов)
NCT06822829 (Диффузная крупноклеточная В-клеточная лимфома)
NCT06823960 (Лимфома маргинальной зоны)

Найдено исследований: 64

NCT06816056 (добавлено: 2025-02-12)

Manual Therapy in Hemophilic Arthropathy of the Ankle

Safety and Efficacy of Manual Therapy in the Treatment of Haemophilic Arthropathy of the Ankle. A Randomised Multicentre Clinical Trial

Локации: Universidad Católica San Antonio; Murcia; Spain

NCT06675344 (добавлено: 2025-02-05)

The Apollo Device in Systemic Sclerosis for the Management of fatiguE, Raynaud Phenomenon and qualiTy of Life

A Randomized, Double-blind, Clinical Trial of the Apollo Device in Systemic Sclerosis for the Management of fatiguE, Raynaud Phenomenon and qualiTy of Life (ASScERT-QoL)

Локации: UPMC Arthritis and Autoimmunity Center; Pittsburgh; Pennsylvania; United States

NCT06530030 (добавлено: 2025-02-04)

Goal Attainment and Physical Activity in People With Hemophilia A

Prospective, Observational Study of the Impact of Efanesoctocog Alfa (ALTUVIIIO®) on Goal Attainment and Physical Activity in People With Moderate or Severe Hemophilia A

Локации: Bleeding and Clotting Disorders Institute; Peoria; Illinois; United States

NCT06574984 (добавлено: 2025-01-31)

Study for Turoctocog Alfa Treatment Regimen in Iraqi Haemophilia A Patients

Descriptive Study for Turoctocog Alfa Treatment Regimen in Iraqi Haemophilia A Patients - An Observational Retrospective Study

Локации: Novo Nordisk Investigational Site; Baghdad; Iraq

NCT06672510 (добавлено: 2025-01-30)

Safety and Effectiveness of the Akura Thrombectomy System for Use in the Removal of Emboli From the Pulmonary Arteries in Treating Acute Pulmonary Embolism (PE)

Safety and Effectiveness of the Akura Thrombectomy System for Use in the Removal of Emboli From the Pulmonary Arteries in Treating Acute Pulmonary Embolism (PE)

Локации: Tristar Centennial Medical Center; Nashville; Tennessee; United States

NCT05920343 (добавлено: 2025-01-29)

VTE Prevention With Rivaroxaban in Genitourinary Cancer Patients Receiving Systemic Therapy

Prevention of Thromboembolism With Rivaroxaban in Genitourinary Cancer Patients Receiving Systemic Therapy: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trial

Локации: Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; Ottawa; Ontario; Canada

NCT06729021 (добавлено: 2025-01-29)

Predictive Value of Modified Caprini Score and D-Dimer in Managing Lower Limb Venous Thrombosis in Cardiothoracic Patients

Predictive Efficacy of Modified Caprini Score and D-Dimer for the Evaluation and Management of Lower Extremity Venous Thrombosis Among Cardiothoracic Surgery Patients in Baghdad

Локации: College of Medicine - Al-Nahrain University; Baghdad; Iraq

NCT06579144 (добавлено: 2025-01-24)

Pharmacokinetic Comparison of Efanesoctocog Alfa vs Other EHL-rFVIII Products in Participants With Severe Haemophilia A

An Open-label, Multicentre Study to Compare the Pharmacokinetics of Efanesoctocog Alfa Versus rFVIII Products, Damactocog Alfa Pegol or Turoctocog Alfa Pegol, After a Single Intravenous Dose of 50 IU/kg in a Fixed Sequence in Previously Treated Adults With Severe Haemophilia A.

Локации: Sobi Investigational Site; A Coruña; Spain,Sobi Investigational site; Frankfurt; Germany,Sobi Investigational Site; Milan; Italy,Sobi Investigational Site; Naples; Italy,Sobi Investigational Site; Oldenburg; Germany,Sobi Investigational Site; Valencia; Spain,Sobi Investigational Site; Zaragoza; Spain

NCT06738485 (добавлено: 2025-01-24)

Recombinant Single-chain Factor VIII (rVIII-SingleChain) in Chinese Participants With Hemophilia A Previously Treated With FVIII Products

A Phase 3, Open-label, Multicenter, Pharmacokinetics, Efficacy, and Safety Study of a Recombinant Single-chain Factor VIII (rVIII-SingleChain) in Chinese Previously Treated Patients (PTPs) With Hemophilia A

Локации: Fujian Medical University Union Hospital; Fuzhou; Fujian; China

NCT06417541 (добавлено: 2025-01-22)

Autopsy and Photon Counting Computed Tomography to Evaluate Thromboses Related to Central Venous Catheters

Autopsy and Photon Counting Computed Tomography to Evaluate Thromboses Related to Central Venous Catheters (PHOTO CAT)

Локации: Intensive and Perioperative Care. Skåne University Hospital. Lund; Lund; Skåne; Sweden

NCT06672081 (добавлено: 2025-01-17)

Early Catheter-directed Treatment of High Risk Pulmonary Embolism

A Randomized Trial for Early Catheter-directed Treatment of High Risk Pulmonary Embolism

Локации: Heart Center Leipzig at University of Leipzig, Department of Internal Medicine/Cardiology; Leipzig; Germany

NCT06565481 (добавлено: 2025-01-15)

Measurement Properties in People with Hemophilia

Measurement Properties (Reliability and Validity) of a Set of Assessments Evaluating Physical Function in People with Hemophilia

Локации: Ruud Knols; Zürich; Switzerland

NCT06769191 (добавлено: 2025-01-11)

Clinical Study on the Safety and Efficacy of CD7 CAR-T Cell Sequential Allo-HSCT and Kidney Transplantation in the Treatment of SIOD

Clinical Study on the Safety and Efficacy of CD7 CAR-T Cell Sequential Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Kidney Transplantation in the Treatment of Schimke Immuno-osseous Dysplasia

Локации: The first affiliated hospital of medical college of zhejiang university; Hangzhou; Zhejiang; China

NCT06611319 (добавлено: 2025-01-10)

ENhanced Recovery and ABbreviated LEngth of Anticoagulation for Thromboprophylaxis After Primary Hip Arthroplasty

ENhanced Recovery and ABbreviated LEngth of Anticoagulation for Thromboprophylaxis After Primary Hip Arthroplasty

Локации: Evangelical Forest Hospital Berlin - Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery; Berlin; Germany,GPR Rüsselsheim Health and Care Center; Rüsselsheim; Hesse; Germany,Kepler University Medical Center, Orthopedics and Traumatology; Linz; Upper Austria; Austria,Sana Clinics Sommerfeld, Dpt. for Surgical Orthopaedics; Kremmen; Brandenburg; Germany,University Medical Center Dresden, University Center for Orthopaedics, Trauma & Plastic Surgery; Dresden; Saxony; Germany,University Medical Center Mainz, Center for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery; Mainz; Rhineland-Palatine; Germany

NCT06752850 (добавлено: 2025-01-09)

A Study to Investigate the Course of Synovial Hypertrophy in Patients With Haemophilia A on Efanesoctocog Alfa Prophylaxis

A 12-month, Interventional, Open-label, Phase 4 Study in Europe (SHINE) to Investigate the Course of Synovial Hypertrophy as Detected by Joint Ultrasound and MRI in Patients With Haemophilia A on Efanesoctocog Alfa Prophylaxis.

Локации: Sobi Investigational Site; Barcelona; Spain,Sobi Investigational Site; Gothenburg; Sweden,Sobi Investigational Site; Madrid; Spain,Sobi Investigational Site; Malmö; Sweden,Sobi Investigational Site; Milan; Italy,Sobi Investigational Site; Naples; Italy,Sobi Investigational Site; Oslo; Norway,Sobi Investigational Site; Rozzano; Italy,Sobi Investigational Site; Seville; Spain,Sobi Investigational Site; Valencia; Spain

NCT06709833 (добавлено: 2025-01-07)

Meningioma and Embolism Thrombosis Risk & Investigation of Coagulation

Meningioma and Embolism Thrombosis Risk & Investigation of Coagulation

Локации: University Hospital for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Tuebingen; Tuebingen; Baden-Wuerttemberg; Germany

NCT06753786 (добавлено: 2025-01-03)

Timing of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Patients with Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Early or Delayed Initiation of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis with Heparin in Patients with Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Локации: Moscow City Clinical Hospital named after V.M. Buyanov; Moscow; Russian Federation

NCT06205095 (добавлено: 2024-12-27)

A Pilot Crossover Trial of Prophylactic Wilate Compared to Placebo for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Patients with VWD

A Multi-cEnter, Pilot, Crossover Trial of Prophylactic Wilate CoMpared to PlacebO for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Patients with Von WillEbRand Disease

Локации: St. Michael`s Hospital; Toronto; Ontario; Canada

NCT06734104 (добавлено: 2024-12-21)

The Effect of an Interactive Video on Nursing Students` Learning in the Care of Anti-Embolism Stockings

The Effect of an Interactive Video Developed for the Care of Surgical Patients Wearing Anti-Embolism Stockings on Nursing Students` Learning: a Randomized Controlled Experimental Study

Локации: Gazi University Faculty of Health Sciences; Ankara; Çankaya; Turkey

NCT06742567 (добавлено: 2024-12-20)

Apixaban Prophylaxis for Prevention of Left Ventricular Thrombus Following Anterior Myocardial Infarction

Apixaban Prophylaxis for Prevention of Left Ventricular Thrombus Following Anterior Myocardial Infarction: An Open Label, Randomized Clinical Trial (POTAMI)

Локации: NICVD Pakistan; Karachi; Sindh; Pakistan

NCT06598930 (добавлено: 2024-12-19)

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Intensive Medical Follow-up with an Advanced Practice Nurse Compared with Medical Follow-up Alone in Non-severe Pulmonary Embolism.

Evaluation of the Efficacy of Intensive Medical Follow-up with an Advanced Practice Nurse Compared with Medical Follow-up Alone, in Non-severe Pulmonary Embolism - Randomised Open Study At Dijon University Hospital and Langres University Hospital.

Локации: Chu Dijon Bourgogne; Dijon; France

NCT06733246 (добавлено: 2024-12-14)

Safety and Efficacy Evaluation of the Ceretrieve Device in the Treatment of AIS Patients

Evaluation of the Safey & Performance of the Ceretrieve Device Designed for Thrombus Removal in Intracranial Arteries Using an Aspiration Technique in Patients Suffering an Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS)

Локации: Heidelberg University Hospital; Heidelberg; Germany

NCT06727669 (добавлено: 2024-12-12)

Longitudinal Cohort of Thrombosis and Hemostasis Diseases

Longitudinal Cohort of Thrombosis and Hemostasis Diseases

Локации: Department of Hematology, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University; Beijing; Beijing; China,Department of Hematology, Beijing Hospital; Beijing; Beijing; China,Peking University Insititute of Hematology, Peking University People`s Hospital; Beijing; Beijing; China,The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University; Zhengzhou; Henan; China,Xinqiao Hospital, Army Military Medical University; Chongqing; China

NCT05582993 (добавлено: 2024-12-11)

A Study of Recombinant Von Willebrand Factor (rVWF) (TAK-577) in Children With Severe Von Willebrand Disease (vWD)

A Phase 3, Prospective, Open-label, Uncontrolled, Multicenter Study on Efficacy and Safety of Prophylaxis With rVWF in Children Diagnosed With Severe Von Willebrand Disease

Локации: Azienda Ospedaliera Pediatrica Santobono Pausillipon; Napoli; Italy,Children`s Health Care d/b/a Children`s Minnesota; Minneapolis; Minnesota; United States,Hemostase Clinique - Institut Coeur-Poumons; Lille; France,Hopital Edouard Herriot - CHU Lyon; Lyon; France

NCT06635551 (добавлено: 2024-12-06)

Comparison of Vascular Catheter-Related Thrombosis and Risk Factors After Oncologic and Non-Oncologic Major Surgery

Comparison of Vascular Catheter-Related Thrombosis and Risk Factors Using Daily Bedside Ultrasonography After Oncologic and Non-Oncologic Major Surgery

Локации: Mersin University; Mersin; Yenişehir; Turkey

NCT06684314 (добавлено: 2024-12-03)

A Study to Evaluate Impact of Efanesoctocog Alfa on Long-term Joint Health in Participants With Hemophilia A in Taiwan

PROphylactic Efanesoctocog Alfa Therapy Evaluated for Critical Joint Health in Hemophilia A Treatment: The PROTECT-ALT Study

Локации: Investigational Site Number : 1580001; Taipei City; Taiwan,Investigational Site Number : 1580002; Taipei City; Taiwan,Investigational Site Number : 1580003; Taipei City; Taiwan,Investigational Site Number : 1580004; Taoyuan City; Taiwan,Investigational Site Number : 1580005; Taichung; Taiwan,Investigational Site Number : 1580006; Taichung; Taiwan,Investigational Site Number : 1580007; Taichung; Taiwan,Investigational Site Number : 1580008; Changhua; Taiwan,Investigational Site Number : 1580009; Kaohsiung City; Taiwan,Investigational Site Number : 1580010; Kaohsiung; Taiwan

NCT06370273 (добавлено: 2024-11-30)

Thromboprophylaxis in Lower Limb Immobilisation

Thromboprophylaxis in Lower Limb Immobilisation (TiLLI): a Multicentre Study Comprising Two Linked Open Label Phase III Randomised Controlled Trials Evaluating the Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Different Methods of Pharmacological Prophylaxis for Patients With Temporary Lower Limb Immobilisation.

Локации: Barts Health NHS Trust; London; United Kingdom,Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust; Carshalton; Surrey; United Kingdom,Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust; Manchester; United Kingdom

NCT06575309 (добавлено: 2024-11-27)

THROmbinography in Pregnant Woman and in Vitro Action of Low Molecular Weight HEparin

Longitudinal Study of the in Vitro Action of Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) in Pregnant Women by Thrombinography

Локации: CHU de Clermont-Ferrand; Clermont-Ferrand; France,CHU Estaing; Clermont-Ferrand; France

NCT06702579 (добавлено: 2024-11-26)

Home Monitoring in Hemophilia a

Qualitative Study on Home Monitoring of Hemostasis in Anticoagulant Treatment and Hemophilia a

Локации: Radboudumc; Nijmegen; Gelderland; Netherlands

NCT06581965 (добавлено: 2024-11-22)

InDividual, Targeted ThrombosIS Prophylaxis Versus the Standard `one Size Fits All` Approach in Patients Undergoing Total HIp or Total KNee ReplaCemenT

The DISTINCT Trial: InDividual, Targeted ThrombosIS Prophylaxis Versus the Standard `one Size Fits All` Approach in Patients Undergoing Total HIp or Total KNee ReplaCemenT: a National, Multicenter, Randomized, Multi-arm, Open-label Trial.

Локации: Anna Ziekenhuis; Geldrop; Noord-Brabant; Netherlands,Bergman Clinics; Naarden; Noord-Holland; Netherlands,Elisabeth-TweeSteden Ziekenhuis; Tilburg; Noord-Brabant; Netherlands,Isala ziekenhuis; Zwolle; Overijssel; Netherlands,OLVG; Amsterdam; Noord-Holland; Netherlands,Reinier Haga Orthopedisch Centrum; Zoetermeer; Zuid-Holland; Netherlands

NCT06588634 (добавлено: 2024-11-20)



Локации: Emory University; Atlanta; Georgia; United States,SUNY, The University at Buffalo; Buffalo; New York; United States

NCT06519435 (добавлено: 2024-11-19)

Non-invasive Venous Air Plethysmography Assessment of Venous Hemodynamics in Patients Suspected Deep Venous Obstruction Used in Conjunction with Intermittent Pneumatic Compression.

Non-invasive Venous Air Plethysmography Assessment of Venous Hemodynamics in Patients Suspected Deep Venous Obstruction Used in Conjunction with Intermittent Pneumatic Compression.

Локации: Mayo Clinic; Rochester; Minnesota; United States

NCT06552767 (добавлено: 2024-11-15)

Thrombosis and Inflammation in Vessels Initiative (TIVI)

Thrombosis and Inflammation in Vessels Initiative (TIVI)

Локации: National Institutes of Health Clinical Center; Bethesda; Maryland; United States

NCT06689241 (добавлено: 2024-11-15)

Rivaroxaban Versus Enoxaparin for Prophylaxis of Venous Thromboembolism in Bariatric Surgery

Rivaroxaban Versus Enoxaparin for Prophylaxis of Venous Thromboembolism in Morbidly Obese Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: An open_label Randomized Controlled Trial

Локации: Alexandria University; Alexandria; Egypt

NCT06147414 (добавлено: 2024-11-08)

Development of Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis for Single Gene Disorders

Evaluation of the Diagnostic Performance of Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis for Single Gene Disorders

Локации: Hôpital Cochin, Maternité Port-Royal, service de Gynécologie obstétrique; Paris; France

NCT06664502 (добавлено: 2024-11-03)

A 2-part Study Consisting of a Multiple Ascending Dose Safety Study in Participants With Macular Edema Following Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion and a Dose-finding Safety and Preliminary Efficacy Study in Participants With Either Diabetic Macular Edema or Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration

A Phase 1/2a 2-part Study Consisting of an Open-label Multiple Ascending Dose (MAD) Safety Study in Participants With Macular Edema Following Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO), and a Dose-finding, Double-masked, Comparative Safety, and Preliminary Efficacy Study of Intravitreal (IVT) EYE201 (Tiespectus) in Participants With Either Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) or Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration (NVAMD)

Теги:  #Newly diagnosed 

Локации: Amarillo, Texas; Amarillo; Texas; United States,Arecibo, PR; Arecibo; Puerto Rico,Austin, Texas; Austin; Texas; United States,Bellaire, TX; Bellaire; Texas; United States,Dallas, Texas; Dallas; Texas; United States,Deerfield Beach, FL; Deerfield Beach; Florida; United States,Germantown, Tennessee; Germantown; Tennessee; United States,Knoxville, TN; Knoxville; Tennessee; United States,Modesto, CA; Modesto; California; United States,Plano, TX; Plano; Texas; United States,Round Rock, TX; Round Rock; Texas; United States,Sacramento, CA; Sacramento; California; United States,Scottsdale, Arizona; Scottsdale; Arizona; United States,Woodlands, Texas; The Woodlands; Texas; United States

NCT06118372 (добавлено: 2024-11-02)

Recombinant VWF Concentrate and ECMO

Safety and Tolerability of Recombinant Von Willebrand Factor Concentrate in Adult ECMO Patients with Major Bleeding: a Phase I Study

Локации: UVA Hospital; Charlottesville; Virginia; United States

NCT06585930 (добавлено: 2024-11-02)

Relation Between the Value of Platelet Clot Stiffness (PCS) Obtained by Sonorheometric Method of Delocalized Hemostasis (QUANTRA®), and the Presence of a Disorder of Primary Hemostasis, in Cardiac Surgery Patients. PLAQUA-Study

Study of the Relationship Between the Value of PCS (Platelet Clot Stiffness - Parameter Evaluating Platelet Participation in Clot Formation) Obtained by Sonorheometric Method of Delocalized Hemostasis (QUANTRA®), and the Presence of a Disorder of Primary Hemostasis, in Cardiac Surgery Patients. PLAQUA-Study

Локации: University Hospital of Reunion Island - Cardiac reanimation department; Saint-Denis; Réunion

NCT06610201 (добавлено: 2024-11-02)

A Study of Bleeding and Treatment in Participants With Von Willebrand Disease

A Prospective, Screening Study of Bleeding and Treatment in Participants With Von Willebrand Disease

Локации: Richmond Pharmacology; London; United Kingdom

NCT06664996 (добавлено: 2024-10-31)

Sintilimab Combined SBRT As Neoadjuvant Therapy for Resectable HCC with PVTT

Sintilimab Combined with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy As Neoadjuvant Therapy for Resectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Branch Portal Vein Tumor Thrombus: a Single-arm, Prospective Clinical Study

Локации: West China Hospital; Chengdu; Sichuan; China

NCT06434207 (добавлено: 2024-10-30)

Extracellular Vesicle Micro RNA Profiling in Congenital Heart Disease: Fetal-Maternal Regulation in Neonatal Thrombosis

Extracellular Vesicle Micro RNA Profiling in Congenital Heart Disease: Fetal-Maternal Regulation in Neonatal Thrombosis

Локации: Boston Children`s Hospital; Boston; Massachusetts; United States

NCT06611436 (добавлено: 2024-10-24)

BeCoMe-9: a Clinical Study of BE-101 for the Treatment of Adults with Moderately Severe or Severe Hemophilia B

BeCoMe-9: a Phase 1/2 Dose Escalation and Expansion Study of BE-101 for the Treatment of Adults with Moderately Severe or Severe Hemophilia B

Локации: University of Michighan; Ann Arbor; Michigan; United States,University of Minnesota; Minneapolis; Minnesota; United States

NCT06649630 (добавлено: 2024-10-22)

A Study Looking at How Different Doses of Study Medicine (Inno8) Works in the Body of Healthy Men

Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Single Intravenous and Multiple Oral Doses of Inno8 in Healthy Male Participants

Локации: Charité Research Organisation GmbH; Berlin; Germany

NCT06576427 (добавлено: 2024-10-19)

Selective Pulmonary-artery Intervention to Reduce Acute Right-heart tEnsion-II

Selective Pulmonary-artery Intervention to Reduce Acute Right-heart tEnsion-II

Локации: Ascension Sacred Heart; Pensacola; Florida; United States,Baylor Scott & White; Plano; Texas; United States,Cardiovascular Institute of the South; Houma; Louisiana; United States,Northwell Health; Staten Island; New York; United States,University of North Carolina; Chapel Hill; North Carolina; United States,UPMC; Harrisburg; Pennsylvania; United States

NCT06646198 (добавлено: 2024-10-18)

TIPS Plus Half-dose Donafenib in AHCC with PVTT-associated Portal Hypertension

Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) Plus Half-dose Donafenib (a Kind of Anti-angiogenesis Agents) in Advanced HCC with Tumor Thrombosis-associated Portal Hypertension: a Prospective, Single-arm, Phase II Study. (DoTH Study)

Теги:  #Relapsed|Refractory 

Локации: Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou; Guangdong; China

NCT06602011 (добавлено: 2024-10-16)

Triple Therapy for Intermediate-advanced HCC With BDTT (TALENP002)

Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization Combined With Lenvatinib Plus Tislelizumab for Intermediate-advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Bile Duct Tumor Thrombus: A Multicenter, Single-arm, Real-world Study

Локации: First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University; Fuzhou; Fujian; China,First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University; Xiamen; Fujian; China,Fujian Provincial Hospital; Fuzhou; Fujian; China,Mengchao Hepatobiliary Hospital of Fujian Medical University; Fuzhou; Fujian; China,Zhangzhou Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University; Zhangzhou; Fujian; China,Zhongshan Hospital of Xiamen University; Xiamen; Fujian; China

NCT06308952 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

Effectiveness of Atorvastatin in Preventing Cerebrovascular Events After Flow Diverter Implantation

To Evaluate the Efficacy of Atorvastatin in the Prevention of Cerebrovascular Events After Flow Diverter Implantation in Patients With Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms

Локации: Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University; Guangzhou; Guangdong; China

NCT06299111 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

A Trial to Learn How Well REGN9933 and REGN7508 Work for Preventing Blood Clots, and How Safe They Are, in Adults Who Have a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC)

A Master Protocol for a Phase 2 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of REGN9933 and REGN7508, Monoclonal Antibodies Against Factor XI for Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (ROXI-CATH)

Локации: ARENSIA Exploratory Medicine Clinic at Country Hospital Cluj-Napoca; Cluj-Napoca; Romania,Hadassah University Medical Center; Jerusalem; Israel,Memorial Sloan Kettering; New York; New York; United States,Shaare Zedek Medical Center; Jerusalem; Yerushalayim; Israel,Sheba Medical Center; Ramat Gan; Israel,Soroka University Medical Center; Beer-Sheba; HaDarom; Israel,SVETA Sofia Hospital; Sofia; Bulgaria,Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center; Tel Aviv; Israel

NCT06559475 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

A Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Clinical Investigation to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of the Super-Bore 8/7F Aspiration Catheters in the Treatment of Acute Intracranial Large Vessel Occlusion

A Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Clinical Investigation to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of the Super-Bore 8/7F Aspiration Catheters in the Treatment of Acute Intracranial Large Vessel Occlusion

Локации: The First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China; Hefei; Anhui; China

NCT06379789 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

A Study to Investigate the Safety and Effectiveness of a Coagulation Factor IX Gene Insertion Therapy (REGV131-LNP1265) in Pediatric, Adolescent and Adult Participants With Hemophilia B

A Two-Part Open-Label Study of REGV131-LNP1265, A CRISPR/Cas9 Based Coagulation Factor IX Gene Insertion Therapy in Participants With Hemophilia B

Локации: University of Michigan; Ann Arbor; Michigan; United States

NCT06394739 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

RevCore for In Stent Thrombosis

RevCore for In Stent Thrombosis (REVIT)

Локации: Allegheny Health Network Research Institute; Pittsburgh; Pennsylvania; United States,El Paso Cardiology Associates; El Paso; Texas; United States,Medstar Health Research Institute; Washington; District of Columbia; United States,Mission Health Hospital; Asheville; North Carolina; United States,Spartanburg Medical Center; Spartanburg; South Carolina; United States,Thomas Jefferson University; Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; United States,UH Cleveland Medical Center; Cleveland; Ohio; United States,University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; United States,Yale University; New Haven; Connecticut; United States

NCT06189313 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

CLEANer Aspiration for Pulmonary Embolism

A Prospective, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of an Aspiration Thrombectomy System in Acute Pulmonary Embolism

Локации: Cleveland Clinic; Cleveland; Ohio; United States,Medstar Health Research Institute; Washington; District of Columbia; United States,Munster Medical Research/Community Hospital; Munster; Indiana; United States,Rutgers New Jersey Medical School; Newark; New Jersey; United States,Texas Heart Institute; Houston; Texas; United States,UMass Chan Medical School; Worcester; Massachusetts; United States,University at Buffalo; Buffalo; New York; United States,University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus; Aurora; Colorado; United States,Vascular and Interventional Specialists of Siouxland; Dakota Dunes; South Dakota; United States

NCT05936580 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

Nuwiq Dosing and Outcomes in the ManagEment of Women/girls with Haemophilia a Needing FVIII Treatment for Surgery

Nuwiq Dosing and Outcomes in the ManagEment of Women/girls with Haemophilia a Needing FVIII Treatment for Surgery - an International, Open-label, Non-controlled Study (NuDIMENSION)

Локации: Avenue de la République; Chambray-lès-Tours; France,Aziendo Ospedaliera "Puglieze Ciaccio"; Catanzaro; Italy,CHU de Nantes Hôtel-Dieu; Nantes; France,Clinical Center for Serbia; Belgrade; Serbia,Gerinnungszentrum Rhein-Ruhr; Duisburg; Germany,Helsinki University Hospital,Coagulation Disorder Unit; Helsinki; Finland,Hospital Universitario La Paz; Madrid; Spain,Hospital Universitario Virgen Del Rocio; Sevilla; Spain,Policlinico "P. Giaconne"; Palermo; Italy,St. James`s University Hospital; Leeds; United Kingdom,Universitätsklinikum Bonn,Institut für Experimentelle Haematologie und Transfusionsmedizin; Bonn; Germany,Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf,II. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik; Hamburg; Germany,UT Health San Antonio; San Antonio; Texas; United States

NCT06415968 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

Prevalence and Characteristics of Intimate Partner Violence Against Individuals Seeking Hematological Consultations

Prevalence and Characteristics of Intimate Partner Violence Against Individuals Seeking Hematological Consultations

Локации: CHU de Nîmes; Nîmes; France

NCT06440317 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

Immunothrombosis With Septic Shock Undergoing Renal Replacement Therapy With the OXIRIS Membrane

Investigation of Immunothrombosis in Intensive Care Patients With Septic Shock Undergoing Renal Replacement Therapy With the OXIRIS Membrane

Локации: Hopital Haut-Lévêque; Pessac; France

NCT06631326 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

HAIC in Combination with PD-1 Inhibitors and Lenvatinib for High Tumor Burden Advanced HCC (CHANCE2416)

Hepatic Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy Plus Lenvatinib and PD-1 Inhibitors Versus Lenvatinib Plus PD-1 Inhibitors As First-line Treatment for High Tumor Burden Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Portal Vein Tumor Thrombus: a Target Trial Emulation Study

Теги:  #Newly diagnosed 

Локации: The first hospital of China medical university; Shenyang; Liaoning; China

NCT06624098 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

Early Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Early Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Main Trunk Portal Vein Tumor Thrombus Induced Gastrointestinal Bleeding: a Multicenter Phase II Study

Теги:  #Newly diagnosed 

Локации: Chinese PLA General hospital; Beijing; Beijing; China

NCT06622031 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

TIPS Combined With Lenvatinib and PD-1 Inhibitor for Advanced HCC With Main Trunk PVTT

Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Combined With Lenvatinib and PD-1 Inhibitor for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Main Trunk Portal Vein Tumor Thrombus: a Multicenter Phase II Study

Теги:  #Newly diagnosed 

Локации: Chinese PLA General hospital; Beijing; None Selected; China

NCT06453642 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

Evaluation of a Simple-Prep Controlled Embolic

Evaluation of a Simple-Prep Controlled Embolic (GPX Trial)

Локации: Albany Medical Center; Albany; New York; United States,Auckland City Hospital; Auckland; New Zealand,Christchurch Hospital; Central City; Christchurch; Australia,Christchurch Hospital; Christchurch; New Zealand,Indiana University Hospital; Indianapolis; Indiana; United States,MD Anderson Cancer Center - Interventional Radiology; Houston; Texas; United States,Toronto General Hosptial; Toronto; Ontario; Canada,University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus; Aurora; Colorado; United States,University of Virginia Health System; Charlottesville; Virginia; United States,Washington University - Barnes Jewish Hospital; Saint Louis; Missouri; United States

NCT06585228 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

Detecting Cardiac Thrombi in Acute Ischemic Stroke on Cardiac CT Versus Transoesophageal Echocardiography

Detecting Cardiac Thrombi in Acute Ischemic Stroke on Cardiac CT Versus Transoesophageal Echocardiography (MtH-DETECT)

Локации: Amsterdam University Medical Center (UMC); Amsterdam; Noord-Holland; Netherlands

NCT06580340 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

Effectiveness of an Adapted Physical Activity Program for Subjects Suffering From Haemophilia

Effectiveness of an Adapted Physical Activity Program for Subjects Suffering From Haemophilia:a Prospective Interventional Study

Локации: Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli; Bologna; Bo; Italy

NCT06571760 (добавлено: 2024-10-15)

Selective Pulmonary-artery Intervention to Reduce Acute Right-heart tEnsion-I

Selective Pulmonary-artery Intervention to Reduce Acute Right-heart tEnsion-I

Локации: AKH Vienna - Medical university of Vienna; Vienna; Austria,Jagiellonian University; Kraków; Poland

NCT06451484 (добавлено: 2024-06-12)

Grade Analysis of Veins by MRI and CT in Post-Thrombotic Syndrome

Multicenter Study to Evaluate a Severity Score Using Venous MRI and CT in Patients With Post-Phlebitic Syndrome

Локации: CHU Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France,CHU Bordeaux; Bordeaux; France

NCT04563520 (добавлено: 2023-06-24)

SAFE Study: Safety of aPCC Following Emicizumab Prophylaxis

aPCC and Emicizumab Safety Study in Congenital Hemophilia A Patients With Inhibitors (SAFE Study: Safety of aPCC Following Emicizumab Prophylaxis)

Локации: Children`s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, United States,Children`s Healthcare of Atlanta; Atlanta; Georgia; United States,Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, United States,Emory University Hospital; Atlanta; Georgia; United States